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CBSE tips and Sample papers!!

These are the general tips for the students who are appearing for CBSE exams given by various numbers of teachers from various institutions.

Time Management: It is important and it is a good idea to follow a timetable that gives priority to subjects one is weak in. A general timetable should allot enough time to sections like diagrams that are challenging

Mathematical Solution: Students need to understand concepts. As part of the self-assessment, try and solve a paper of the previous year within three hours. After completing the paper, do a self-assessment. This will reveal the areas you are weak in. Repeat the process until the exam. For a high score in maths, solve at least 10 to 15 model test papers.

Decoding Chemistry: Chemistry, most students believe, requires memorization. But, this is a subject that cannot be memorized or retained without understanding. Students must be well-versed with the format of paper and marks allotted to each chapter. In order to understand the expected answers, students should go through CBSE sample papers and marking schemes, which give detailed value points. The four organic chemistry chapters worth 18 marks are interrelated. The reactions can be summarized in a flow chart, which must be revised once a week. Reasoning questions in organic and inorganic chemistry carry one mark each and demand one phrase or one-liner answers. Underline the technical words. Always support your answers with structures, examples, equations and graphs even if the question does not ask for it. Students normally ignore chapters like polymers, chemistry in everyday life, bimolecules, surface chemistry – these are the easier chapters from which memory-based questions are asked.

SUBJECT-WISE: Here are a few suggestions on how to prepare for the English examination and avoid common mistakes. Find out more about Comprehension Summary and compositions.

Take a Break:  Substitute high carbohydrates with fresh fruits, vegetables and lots of liquid. Also, avoid coffee, tea and aerated drinks; the caffeine will give you an initial boost, but will make your thinking fuzzy. Eat healthy and regularly; your brain will benefit from the nutrients.


The samples CBSE papers are available in the following websites:



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