Staff Selection Commission Notifies Recruitment of Constables 2013 Vacancies

Good news to all govt job searching holders here you can use the opportunity for your bright carrier. If you an interesting towards govt sector side below information will helps a lot.
Staff Selection Commission will make recruitment to the posts of Constable (GD) in ITBPF, BSF, CISF, CRPF and SSB and Rifleman (GD) in Assam Rifles. Female candidate will be considered for posts earmarked for them in different CAPFs. Matriculation or 10th class pass is the minimum educational qualification. The recruitment will comprise of Physical Standards Test (PST), Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Written Examination and Medical Examination. Constabulary forms the major component of the forces. The working mainly depends upon the effectiveness of the personnel at this level. Therefore, it is important that only the candidates having the right aptitude, capability and fitness in all respects apply for the posts.
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