BBM Voice should be available in India soon

While BBM 7.0 with BBM Voice is not available in India currently, some indicators show it should be available in India very soon-within the next few weeks, what with the impending launch of BlackBerry-maker Research in Motion’s (RIM) do-or-die OS BlackBerry 10 on January 30 and the expected operationalisation of the New Telecom Policy 2012 that liberalises India’s telecom policy regime. RIM’s latest goof-up in India had been BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) 7.0 with Voice. In mid-November, Indian news media carried global releases giving news about the beta release of BBM 7 that featured BBM Voice, which allowed free calling over Wi-Fi to other BBM users who also have BBM 7 installed and are connected to Wi-Fi.