Southern Railway, Chennai invites applications for recruitment Sports Quota 2013

Applications are invited by the Southern Railway, Chennai for the recruitment of 30 vacancies of Sports Quota through Talent Scouting for the year 2012- 2013. The Last Date of application is 18th January, 2013
Southern Railway, Chennai vacancies details
There are total 30 posts against Sports Quota (Talent Scouting) for the year 2012- 2013. More description is given below link :
Southern Railway, Chennai invites applications for recruitment of 30 posts against Sports Quota (Talent Scouting) for the year 2012- 2013 education qualification:
Sports persons must possess the minimum educational qualification, as applicable to the post to which the sportsperson is to be appointed.
In case of Sportsperson having outstanding sports achievements, but does not possess the minimum educational qualification, relaxation in minimum educational qualification may be granted with the approval of Railway Board, subject to acquiring the minimum educational qualification within a period of 4 years from the date of appointment. However, for considering the case of relaxation in educational qualification, the sportsperson must have the minimum educational qualification required for recruitment in Railways.