Huawei unveils 6.1-inch Ascend Mate Android Smartphone

Huawei Technologie introducing new latet smartphone display with ultimate look resolution . On Monday with two devices aimed at challenging much bigger rivals, including Samsung Electronics Co Ltd andĀ Apple Inc. The Chinese phone maker, which is pushing to expand its brand beyond its home country, unveiled the Ascend D2 and Ascend Mate devices on the eve of the Consumer Electronics Show in LasĀ Vegas.
It said the Ascend D2, which features a 5-inch display, would have a high-definition screen with 443 pixels per inch compared with the most advanced Samsung and Apple phones, with resolutions closer to the 300 pixels per inch range.
The Chinese phone maker, which is pushing to expand its brand beyond its home country, unveiled the Ascend D2 and Ascend Mate devices on the eve of the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.
It said the Ascend D2, which features a 5-inch display, would have a high-definition screen with 443 pixels per inch compared with the most advanced Samsung and Apple phones, with resolutions closer to the 300 pixels per inch range. Completely it gives very ultimate look to on lookers that much it attracts to every one. Once if any one see defiantly they will much interesting to buy again and again.