Damodar Valley Corporation requires 95 Executive Engineer
A very latest news for all govt job searchers those who are looking towards govt sector this is the right chance create a bright carrier to your life specially for engineering side.
Total No. Of Post : There are total 95 vacancies of Executive Engineer and Senior Divisional Engineer in Damodar Valley Corporation.
Name of the Posts:
Executive Engineer (Electrical): 10 Posts.
Executive Engineer(Mechanical): 10 Posts
Executive Engineer(C&I): 09 Posts.
Executive Engineer(IT): 06 Posts.
Executive Engineer (Civil): 01 Posts.
Senior Divisional Engineer (Electrical): 20 Posts.
Senior Divisional Engineer (Mechanical): 24 Posts.
Senior Divisional Engineer (C&I): 10 Posts.
Senior Divisional Engineer (IT): 03 Posts.
Senior Divisional Engineer (Civil): 02 Posts.
Who can Apply for Damodar Valley Corporation requires 95 Executive Engineer and Senior Divisional Engineer?
Educational Qualification: Bachelor Degree in Engineering (Mech. / CSE / IT / Civil / Electrical ) from recognized Institute/University approved by AICTE.
Pay Scale : Rs 15,600-39,100/ in PB-3(GP 7,600)
Age Limit : Refer to the Notification.
How to Apply for Damodar Valley Corporation Recruitment 2013?
Eligible candidates are required to apply Online through Damodar Valley Corporation website http://www.dvc.gov.in .
The envelope containing the filled in application with enclosures should be sent only by ORDINARY POST
For any other details please click below link:
Engineering job further information