Report From Government Spend Rs 36,800 crore For IT in 2013

This is a very good information those who are working towards IT sector side. Now recently Government has taking part to improve IT sector. Really this information which helps a lot to every one. Government is expected to spend Rs 36,800 crore on IT products and services in 2013, an increase of 10.5 per cent over 2012, research firm Gartner today said.
This is against revenue of Rs 33,300 crore in 2012, which included spending by government organizations on internal IT (including personnel), hardware, software, external IT services and telecommunications, it said in a statement.
Telecommunications, which includes telecommunications and networking equipment and services, is expected to remain the largest overall spending category,
It is expected to grow 6.8 per cent in 2013 to reach Rs 11,800 crore in 2013, up from Rs 11,100 crore in 2012, largely driven by enterprise network equipment.
Software sector is expected to register the highest growth rate amongst IT spending categories, increasing 18 per cent in 2013, led by investments in desktop software and infrastructure software.