Accer quad-core phone Phablet

Acer currently does not have a quad-core phone (or phablets), only its tablets have quad-core processors. So, this phablet, the Acer Liquid S, will be their first non-tablet quad-core device.
Recently announced 5-inch screens are pushing the boundaries of the definition. It was last year’s flagships that first hit the 4.7” mark – phones such as the Samsung Galaxy S III, HTC One X and others.
The Galaxy Note II and the Optimus G Pro with 5.5” screens might be the lower-end of the phablet range, while the Asus Fonepad puts the maximum at 7”. So the Acer Liquid S can be anything in between.
Well, this was as vague as an announcement can get, while still counting as an announcement. You can bet we’ll be on the lookout for more specific info on the Acer Liquid S.