“OSCAR” The best and worst of ‘Best Actor’ nominations

After bagging the best actor award at the BAFTAs, Golden Globe and Screen Guild Awards, Daniel Day-Lewis seems the most promising actor to take away the golden lady this time. With his brilliant portrayal of President Abraham Lincoln in Steven Spielberg’s film ‘Lincoln’, the actor yet again sweeps you off your feet with his great acting skills. ‘Lincoln’ brings forth the story of Honest Abe’s juggling act of slavery abolition and end of civil war. And, the method actor Daniel Day Lewis breathes life into the character.
‘Lincoln’ brings forth the story of Honest Abe’s juggling act of slavery abolition and end of civil war. And, the method actor Daniel Day Lewis breathes life into the character and it is very difficult that you will not get overwhelmed by his ‘Lincoln’ brings forth the story of Honest Abe’s juggling act of slavery abolition and end of civil war. And, the method actor Daniel Day Lewis breathes life into the character and it is very difficult that you will not get overwhelmed by his Hugh Jackman did not just lose a few pounds to shoot the opening scenes of his Oscar nominated film ‘Les Miserables’, but the actor later even had to put on weight for the rest of the musical. Considering it a total challenge, the actor had to not learn his lines but had to actually strike the right note for the musical by straining his vocal chords.